Friday 10 September 2010

How to Manage Manipulative People Who Wind You Up?

If you're always good and kind, it is good but just not good enough! You need a wiser strategy to handle people who consistently try winding you up because they are themselves sick, evil and manipulative or they just try to have fun themselves.
  • The best advice is to discuss the matter with that person face to face and individually, it might be just a misunderstanding and get sorted out.
  • If the previous advice didn't work or he continued his behavior or that was part of his personality best is to minimize your interaction with that person as much as possible
  • If none of the above strategies worked and you have to be in contact with that person frequently, consider discussing the matter with your manager so that the target person can take it more seriously to be nice
  • If the above strategies didn't work consider changing your environment, class or job
  • If you can't change your job, class, environment immediately, then unfortunately you need to respond to the bullyings until you change your environment or until that behavior stops
Other good sources:

To be continued...

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