Wednesday 21 April 2010

Dream about the Dream Land

Tired of life pressures? want to be detached from this world and its limitations?

The Dream Land is where the world is exactly the way you want it to be.

Dream about the Dream Land, visualize it, hear it, picture it. Imagine the world is the way you want it to be.

The Dream Land is where you are truly happy and successful everyday and forever.

The Dream Land is where only people you love and they love you exist and with the rest you have a good relationship.

The Dream Land is where all your needs are fulfilled.

The Dream Land is where no one and nothing can harm you and you suffer nothing.

The Dream Land is heaven.

The Dream Land is where you see God, God loves you and you love Him back.

The Dream Land is where you are not left alone but have friends that care for you and you voluntarily care for them.

The Dream Land is where you are joyful all the time.

The Dream Land is where exists no sickness and everything and everybody is healed.

The Dream Land is where everyone co-exist with each other happily and there is no war.

The Dream Land is where you hate no one and no one hates you; you love everyone and everyone loves you; you respect everyone and everyone respects you.

The Dream Land is where everything is going to be all right.

The Dream Land is where you never get tired or bored.

The Dream Land is where you hear the musics and songs your soul loves.

The Dream Land is where your soul can fly freely with no border or limitation.

You can add to this list as you think more creatively ;)

  • Dream whenever you're free during the day; on the train, on the way home, at night, in the morning
  • Before going to bed
  • It helps you be creative
  • It helps you be happy and joyful
  • It helps you to detach yourself from life pressures and limitations
  • It helps you to be ambitious
  • It helps you to take risk
  • You attract what you visualize; remember the secret
  • Consciously or unconsciously everyone is currently living in his or her Dream Land any way; this simply helps you shape it by choice in the way you want it to be
  • It would not be necessarily realistic although it will certainly affect your worldly life and makes you happier

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