Thursday 18 December 2008

Qualities to Develop and Maintain

"Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48)

To walk on the path towards being perfect, we must develop and maintain certain qualities.

In Relation with Self
Self-Confident, Self-Assured, Self-Actualized, Driven, Self-Determined, Self-Motivated, Firm Believer, Proactive, Disciplined, Focused, Self-Leader, Creative, Autodidact, Unafraid of Failure, Intolerant of Laziness and Idleness, Strong, Positive, Different, Unique, Special, Blessed, Fighter, Self-Manager, Risk Taker, Smart, Wise, Thoughtful, Productive, Star, Intelligent, Hard Working, Professional, Patient, Perceptive, Talented, Bright, Open Minded, Highly Eager to Learn, Independent, Happy, Cheerful, Organized, Faithful, Responsible, Steady, Stable, Sure, Steadfast, Staunch, Realistic, Self-Starter, Self-Controlled, Self-Reliant, Visionary, Knowledgeable, Self-Aware, Continually Improving, Agile, Courageous to go beyond comfort zone, Decisive, Strategist, Planner, Invincible, Able to judge wisely, Self-sufficient

In Relation with Others
Good Listener, Good Friend, Caring, Helpful, Loyal, Compassionate, Honest, Sincere, Encouraging, Inspiring others to reach their full potential, Empathetic, Trustworthy, Asset for Others, Very Dependable, Trusty, Leader, Manager, Affectionate, Motivator, Adaptive, Team Builder, Task Assigner, Excellent communicator with people at all levels, Empowering, Team Couch, Conflict Resolver, Persuader, A Role Model, Courteous, Respectful, Polite, Tactful


1) Use "I " and read all these attributes again say e.g. I am self-confident, I am self-assured ...

2) Record your voice on a tape and listen carefully at least once a week
Repeating these words frequently reshapes your visualization and your believes accordingly :)

3) Pray the Lord to give you Wisdom to grow in these qualities

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