Saturday, 21 September 2019

How to recover from Low Mood and Depression Very Quickly?

We sometimes feel exhausted then this exhaustion leads our mind to get frozen and not being able to take any good action.

This results in us becoming unhappy or depressed which can last from minutes to days.

The depression mood is very expensive. It leads to the loss of concentration, it degrades our productivity and wastes our time.

The sooner you tackle it the quicker you recover from this mood.

Too many tasks, too many challenges, too many battles, overwhelmed with workload, people challenges, etc.

Having challenges and never ending tasks is natural.

The problem is we keep working hard without re-filling our mind and body tanks with positive energy and without release our mind from the power of negative thoughts and energy. There are always negative energies, things go wrong, conflicts, etc.

What is the root cause?
The root cause of the problem is that we have lost control over our own mind and we have let the challenges of the circumstances and people around us overwrite our thoughts.

How to Recover Quickly?
The solution is to regain control! Control over your mind, not over people or circumstances.

The process using which you regain control is:
  1. Awareness: Identify what is bothering you? What is your challenge? What is your concern? what are you afraid of?
  2. Replacement: Create replacement thoughts / action plans that will serve you and help you. What are the positive replacing statements you can make which serves your feelings and mood? What are the positive replacing actions that you can take straight away?
Create a table with 2 columns for each.

Keep doing this mental monitoring everyday so you're always on track and in control :)

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