Saturday, 29 October 2011

Interview Management

The fact is that interviews are based on luck (= God's will for you) in the sense that if you're lucky enough, the questions that you can answer and the problems that you can solve and you have solved in the past will be given to you, the people that like you and you like them will interview you; therefore, interviews can never be a true evaluation of your abilities and potential of course so never blame yourself or be upset if you didn't win an interview.

It is luck in the root but it doesn't mean that you have no influence on this luck. You can attract more luck!

You can do things which changes the probability of a success or failure (which can potentially be seen as a success also).

These could make you a luckier person in the interviews:

  • Prepare Prepare Prepare
  • The right mindset; the can do attitude
  • Be conservative; listen carefully and respond thoughtfully
  • Be professional at the same time emotionally intelligent; be sociable, relaxed and smile
  • Develop problem solving skills
  • Practice interview questions; technical and non-technical
  • Learn from your past mistakes; write the lessons down and review them each month, take the proper actions.
  • Learn from the mistakes or success of others; encourage them to share their experiences with you.
Even if you do all these, there is no guarantee that it will happen; it's still a chance and a game and you never have 100% control over it.

After a "Yes":
  • Write down and keep the lessons; you did good at the right time and the right place and the right people.
  • Congratulate yourself!
  • ...
After a "No" go:
  • Write down and keep the lessons
  • Identify which areas you could improve and identify actions to improve those areas
  • Forget the event and move on
  • Congratulate yourself for the try and lessons!
  • Look and focus to the future and the next interview and believe that it will happen!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

The Power of Laughter

Some born with naturally and developed it early in their childhood due to their family and environment, some haven't had a normal childhood but were wise enough to realised the power of laughter and developed the skill to laugh easily and more often in their adulthood and benefited from its benefits.

Laughter has an enormous power in making yourself happier and stronger spiritually and making others around you happier as well. Develop the sense of humour.

Laughter also releases the stress and tension. It helps you enjoy life and release the joy.

Laughter boosts your confidence.

Laughter is healthy and boosts your immune system, reduces your blood pressure.

Laughter triggers our right side of brain which helps releasing creativity.

Laughter helps you sleep well at night.

Children laugh 200 times a day and adults 4 times a day in average. Be like a child, laugh easier and more often.

Laughter has a great healing power.

Laughter helps strengthening our relationship with other people, with our partner and our family.

If you have done something silly or dumb, be willing to laugh at yourself!

Do not allow life pressures and stresses make you forget to laugh!

Every time you laugh, you get stronger and happier.

Every day, look for opportunities for having fun, read funny books, watch funny movies and laugh easier, more often and openly.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Building Blocks of Self-Esteem

One of the fundamental factors in having substantial happiness in our lives is taking care of our self-esteem.

According to Dr B. Bodenhamer, the are 3 main building blocks for Self-Esteem:

1) Self-Acceptance

Self-Acceptance means accepting and loving yourself for who you are AS YOU ARE while acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses that you have. Separation of Identity from Behaviour, Skills or even Lack of Skills.

What I'd like to add here is that this element seems to be more complex than the other 2. The reason is that Our Childhood plays an important role in shaping our subconscious and automatic thoughts and feelings with regard to self-acceptance.

Did you receive Unconditional Love in childhood from whom were important to you? don't worry if you didn't. You're not alone; many didn't either!

There were expectations from us to behave or say things in certain ways from:
  • Our parents
  • People who were important to us e.g. a school teacher, family
  • The society in which we were grown up
  • Religion
  • Our school
  • Even ourselves
What happened if we did not meet those expectations? Have we lost, whether temporarily or permanently, the Unconditional Love that we deserved in our childhood? if so, that could hugely impact our subconscious self-acceptance now and consequently our self-esteem.

The Good News is that Reverse Engineering can work as good as Direct Engineering! What do I mean? if this is not natural/automatic for you for any realistic or unrealistic reason e.g. childhood lack of unconditional love and support, this element can be developed like any other skill.

2 main ingredients which help speeding up this development are:
  1. Self-awareness; which helps identifying and being conscious about our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, memories from the past that come to mind subconsciously.
  2. Once you're self-aware, then practice loving and accepting yourself as you are and unconditionally; simply because you are a Human Being and You Deserve it! separate your identity from the behaviour. Practice makes it a habit.
Why identity should be separated from behaviour?
Because identity consists of so many things and is way above 1 behaviour. It's like an ocean to a drop! our identity consists of our core beliefs, past experiences and skills, language, collection of so many different behaviours, potential for growth and success, creativity, values and so many endless great characteristics!

2) Self-Appreciation

Appreciating yourself for all the life/everyday achievements and skills you already have; seeing and remembering them.

3) Self-Awe (your potential)

Seeing and acknowledging your range of potential to change for better, achieving your goals, developing new skills and improving existing skills.

Hope these tips help building up your self-esteem and happiness and making the world a better place.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Instant Anxiety Relief at Home and Work in 5 minutes!

There are numerous articles why we may get anxiety from time to time and I'm not willing to go into the reasons and roots, just quickly to the simple solution which works in all scenarios!

Strategy at home:
  1. Find a quiet room, sit on a chair or on the ground
  2. Drink some water
  3. Close your eyes to avoid any distraction
  4. Smile widely and relax and feel good
  5. Breathe deeply for 20 times while focusing on your breathe and freeing your mind from thoughts. At first, it may be difficult to focus on your breathe only but with few practices you certainly can!
  6. Say aloud about 5-10 positive/hopeful sentences and beliefs against whatever worries you; there are so much power in spoken words!
  7. Breathe deeply again for 10 times while focusing on your breathe and freeing your mind
  8. Repeat this as many times as you wish during the day
  9. When this is done, stand up and focus on doing only 1 positive action at a time and live happily. Remember, only focus on 1 positive action at a time. Positive actions bring positive thoughts and words automatically.
Strategy at work:
At work, perhaps, you often can't find the quiet room and space as mentioned above so you may need a different strategy.

To be continued...

Saturday, 4 June 2011

How To Everlastingly Live In Peace and Happiness?

Peace doesn't mean inactivity. In contrast, living in peace means that we're able to be, live, move and grow in our Most Active State with all our Power and Capacity Mentally and Physically without allowing anything or any situation disturb us.

Peace is a key ingredient for achieving any success.

The only way to live in peace and happiness is to "Live In Positivity", which is a habit; you do it in every second of your life consciously until it becomes automatic and unconsciously.

Living in positivity means 3 things:
  • Take positive and constructive actions.
  • Think positive and constructive thoughts and visualizations.
  • Say positive and constructive words.
This becomes more vital to be committed to specially when we're in any challenging situations.

This results in staying in peace while staying in happiness. Moreover, this means constant growth which brings us joy and fulfilment.

Living in positivity doesn't mean being too optimistic and naive in our life situations. It means making the most positive and constructive decision possible in every second of our life in words, deeds and thoughts.

3 Golden Questions:
  • Now, what is your next positive action?
  • Now, what is your next positive thought?
  • Now, what is your next positive sentence you can speak?
Goal-Oriented Positivity
Another important point is that when you have a clear goal, you can direct this wisdom towards your goal which results in being in peace and happiness constantly while achieving your goal more effectively.

Ask yourself:
  • Now, what is your next positive action to help you reach this goal?
  • Now, what is your next positive thought to help you reach this goal?
  • Now, what is your next positive sentence you can speak to help you reach this goal?

Challenge-Oriented Positivity
Life has challenges and they sometimes can disturb us mentally or physically but we can choose not to allow this and still live in peace and joy.

Ask yourself:
  • Now, what is your next positive action to manage this challenge properly?
  • Now, what is your next positive thought to manage this challenge properly?
  • Now, what is your next positive sentence to manage this challenge properly?

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Stop Believing in Your Dreams!

Some of us may dream and their dream may come true which may result in believing in their dreams!

This is not true or right and indeed it can be destructive rather than constructive. Believing in something which can impact your thoughts, actions and feelings without having you control over it.

What we dream 99% is the result of our own thoughts and feelings not necessarily foreseeing the future.

We should take responsibility for our every day of our life rather than seeing it as a dream come true.

Stop believing in the dreams; they're just the result of your own thoughts, worries and feelings. Shape your life with your own hands and always seek what good thing can be done now.

If you saw a bad dream, don't think it's an anticipation of future; just pray for it, forget it and focus on what possible positive actions you can take now.

I went through the cycle of believing in my dreams that they always come true and then came out when realized that I am the one who shapes my destiny with my actions rather than my life has to happen according to my dream; I've paid a very heavy price to learn this lesson that won't be forgotten.
Shape your life with your own actions; live by design!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Let Your Brain Brainstorm Ideas Freely

Our brains have powers more than we know and are used to it.

We're all creative but not everyone use their creativity.

Just let it brainstorm ideas quickly and limitlessly and you'll be surprised how creative you can be.

Just let your brain flow without concerning about boundaries and limitations.

Practice Daily Brainstorming until it becomes part of your character and it helps making decision what to action next.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Top Good Habits for Work and Life

Always Smile, Feel good and Enjoy
  • Simple but so powerful
  • Smile even when walking down the street, when you're at home or leave home, when working with computer, when talking with others, when looking at yourself in the mirror
  • It makes you and people around you feel good
  • It takes far fewer muscles to smile than to frown
Look for the Best
  • Look for the best in every situation
  • Look for the good in people and what they do.
  • Be less critical and more tolerant about people.
Compliment Others
  • It’s a great and highly valuable habit
  • The greatest human desire is to be appreciated.
  • Let your compliments be genuine
Treat Everyone as Important
  • Hand out admiration and respect for people; whatever we hand out, we get back.
  • The most important person for every person is himself; so treat everyone as important.
Believe In Your Success
  • Act and believe as though success is inevitable.
  • Picture success in your mind.
Be Always Eager to Learn
  • There are always good things to learn from people, books, etc.
Be Humble to See and Accept Your Faults And Be Self-Assured!
  • You can't correct your mistakes if you're not humble enough to see them honestly.
Be Action Oriented
  • Set deadlines for your actions, don't wait too long.
  • Action is Power but be aware it can be both constructive and destructive.
  • Know when you should act and when you should just ignore or wait.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Stop Thinking About Why, Focus On What Can Ben Done Now!

Our mind is very strange, it can think and think and think and think deep in reasons why events happen or why life is the way it is.

This is not always necessary, healthy or helpful and can waste time without gaining much. At these times, when you realize, best is to stop thinking why and start taking action, do something about it now!

If something happens to you that has hurt you, don't waste your time loop through the mind trap of why and why and why but just focus on what is the best and right thing to do now.

Of course there must be a balance, there are times you should ponder about reasons and there are times you should focus on taking action without being too much worried about reasons for events.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

The Karmic Law

This law simply states, what you put out, express and sow in the world by words, thoughts, beliefs and/or actions, will return to you in the same manner it was given, you will reap them and they will be reflected back to you.

This is Newton's Third Law of Motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

You Reap What You Sow.

Just being aware that you reap what you sow, will encourage you to choose more wisely what you sow by your words, thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

There Are Always Consequences

No matter you take action or inaction, there are always consequences. In other words, you can't stop consequences and the world don't wait until you take an action. The world continuously produces consequences.

What you can do though is to shape the consequences by taking the appropriate action quickly.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Bring Thyself Unto Account Each Day

Successful people are those who bring themselves unto account each day. They review what they did. What didn't go that well and what they could do differently.

This can be applied to education, business, relationships and everything we're involved with.

We're never perfect although we should aim for perfection and continuously correct ourselves towards perfection. This means we should be humble enough to see our own mistakes/weaknesses and strengths with a positive attitude and learn from those experiences quickly so that those experiences support our ongoing future success.

Action Plan:
Once of the best ways to support this is to bring ourselves unto account each day by completing a personal learning experience table with the following columns:

Column 1: Issue / Mistake / What wasn't that great
Column 2: Lesson / Experience / What could I do differently? / How could I do it differently?

Completing this table daily or weekly ensures that you're always on the right track. You see your own mistakes humbly and learn from them quickly which means greater experience and higher rate of success for your future is guaranteed.

It's not about regretting about the past but it's about enhancing our experience by being a bit more thoughtful about our own behaviour, actions and words every day.

You can complete this table even for smallest issues; e.g. which way was longer to get to a destination, which travel ticket was better to be bought, which words shouldn't have been said and why, etc.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

How to Make The Right Best Decision Easily?

To make the best decision about something between you and the other party (e.g. playing a chess game) for example, you'd need to analyse the situation first then make your decision.

For empowering your analysis, you'd need to have knowledge and information from 2 completely separate points of views:
  1. Values, motivations, weaknesses, opportunities, desires, laws, needs, goals and analysis of the situation wrt your own point of view
  2. Values, motivations, weaknesses, opportunities, desires, laws, needs, goals and analysis of the situation wrt the other party point of view
The first point of view is natural and almost everyone can do that by default; it's like a chess game that you see your own movements and opportunities easily. People whose decisions are solely based on this point of view are often the ones who loose the game.

The second point of view if not more important it is as important to help you make the bes decision. It requires extra effort and perhaps wisdom to forget yourself completely and see the world from the counterparty point of view. It's like a chess game that you must analyse the opportunities and weaknesses of the couterparty as well to be able to make your best decision.

In this way, you always WIN and Make The Best Possible Decision Easily :)

Friday, 28 January 2011

The Power of Whispering

This might sound bizzare for many but I believe whispering has great immediate benefits:
  • Improves concentration and focus on the topic dramatically specially when you're in a distracting or noisy environment or even when you're alone and have too many thoughts.
  • Improves your memory because speaking out the words greatly helps memorizing them.
Although you might seem a bit crazy if speaking to yourself too loudly ;)