Thursday 9 November 2023

Freedom through Vision

When something happens or said that bothers you like feeling disrespected, not listened to, ignored, taken advantage of, your mind puts a locked anchor on that event like a ship that drops its anchor at the bottom of the sea, it gets stuck!

The more sensitive you are when exposed to that event and the more emotionally you were engaged in, the greater that anchor lock would be felt on your mind. Basically, your mind is trapped in negativity and you fall in the vicious cycle that only grows the negativity.

That locked anchor and the chains cause your mind to get back to that event, review and highlight it over and over again, taking your valuable time, mental energy and resources.

You complain and keep complaining and blaming everyone else how sick they made you feel or that event made you feel.

Even the society and media make all their efforts to put your anchor stronger in negativity, what wars are going on, who is fighting whom, crimes, who is in trouble, since the vampires feed on your negative energy.

This is the root cause of all bitterness, hostile behavior, stress, gossips, revenge and anger.

The cycle of pain which is automatic.

This anchor could be because of current events or past events.

So how can you set yourself free?

The solution is through sticking to your vision of FUTURE and letting go of past and present after briefly learning from any lessons they have had for you.

This is the only solution, don't look for anything else.

Your mind acts like a ROBOT. It will act like a STRONG MAGNET and make your commands, dominating thoughts and emotions true. It will show you ways, shed lights on innovative solutions.

VISUALIZE and keep visualizing your desired outcome and events that will happen in the future.

Basically removing your past/present anchor and putting it in the better future with all its details.

Declare your DESIRES and HOPES, clarify them, believe that they will actualize. The better relationship with people, better education, greater business success, more creative, better kids, better family relationships, better fitness and health, deeper spiritual relationship with God, overcoming the challenges.

Every moment, put your mind anchor in creating the future that you desire and deserve.

Focusing on the future requires COURAGE to be CREATIVE, BOLD enough to LET GO.

The more you practice this, the quicker you can release your energy and pull out the anchor from where it got stuck!

Every morning, declare the future you see yourself in and live there every moment during the day.

  • You will be fit and healthy.
  • You will be surrounded by supporting people who help you grow.
  • Your business will flourish.
  • You will learn all the skills you'd require to be a success.
  • You will be educated and certified with top marks.
  • You will see evidence of consistent success and profitability in your business.
  • You will be master of your emotions and thoughts.
  • You will be respected, loved and admired.
  • You will be safe, grounded and protected.
  • You'll overcome any challenges thrown at you.

What are your desired future outcome for your relationships, health, business, education, etc?


Friday 1 September 2023

3 Pillars of Good Life


Take actions that increase your PEACE

Remove actions that disturbs your PEACE

Take actions that increase your ENERGY

Remove actions that disturbs your ENERGY

Take actions that increase your KNOWLEDGE

Remove actions that has no benefit to your KNOWLEDGE

To Do (Increasing Peace):

  • Practice mindfulness meditation daily.
  • Cultivate gratitude through a journal.
  • Spend quality time in nature regularly.
  • Foster positive relationships with friends and family.
  • Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges.
  • Engage in acts of kindness and volunteerism.
  • Read books on spirituality and inner peace.
  • Attend yoga or tai chi classes.
  • Develop a consistent sleep routine.
  • Set clear boundaries with toxic people.
  • Seek therapy or counseling if needed.
  • Learn conflict resolution skills.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises.
  • Keep a daily stress-reduction journal.
  • Limit exposure to negative news and media.

Not To Do (Decreasing Peace):

  • Avoid holding onto resentment.
  • Don't engage in unnecessary arguments.
  • Avoid gossiping or spreading rumors.
  • Don't bottle up your emotions.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs.
  • Refrain from over-committing yourself.
  • Avoid multitasking when possible.
  • Don't procrastinate on important tasks.
  • Avoid comparison with others.
  • Don't dwell on past mistakes.
  • Avoid toxic or abusive relationships.
  • Don't suppress your feelings.
  • Avoid overthinking or rumination.
  • Don't take on other people's problems.
  • Avoid excessive materialism.

To Do (Increasing Energy):

  • Exercise regularly, including cardio and strength training.
  • Prioritize a balanced diet with nutritious foods.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking enough water.
  • Get enough quality sleep.
  • Practice stress management techniques.
  • Set achievable fitness goals.
  • Create a morning routine for energy.
  • Take short breaks during work.
  • Socialize and connect with positive people.
  • Try new hobbies and activities.
  • Listen to uplifting music.
  • Maintain a clean and organized environment.
  • Practice time management.
  • Seek inspiration and motivation daily.
  • Take regular vacations or breaks.

Not To Do (Decreasing Energy):

  • Avoid excessive caffeine intake.
  • Don't skip meals, especially breakfast.
  • Avoid excessive sugar consumption.
  • Don't overcommit to too many tasks.
  • Avoid negative self-talk.
  • Don't neglect physical health.
  • Avoid excessive screen time before bed.
  • Don't stay up too late regularly.
  • Avoid dwelling on past failures.
  • Don't procrastinate on self-care.
  • Avoid toxic or draining relationships.
  • Don't isolate yourself for extended periods.
  • Avoid negative news overload.
  • Don't neglect relaxation time.
  • Avoid overworking without breaks.

To Do (Increasing Knowledge):

  • Read books from various genres.
  • Take online courses or attend workshops.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions.
  • Seek out mentors or experts in your field.
  • Stay curious and ask questions.
  • Learn a new language or skill.
  • Set aside dedicated learning time.
  • Stay informed about current events.
  • Follow reputable educational websites.
  • Attend lectures and seminars.
  • Join a book club or discussion group.
  • Teach others what you know.
  • Listen to educational podcasts.
  • Experiment with new hobbies.
  • Travel and explore new cultures.

Not To Do (Decreasing Knowledge):

  • Avoid mindless scrolling on social media.
  • Don't dismiss differing viewpoints.
  • Avoid intellectual arrogance.
  • Don't neglect critical thinking.
  • Avoid staying in your comfort zone.
  • Don't be afraid to admit ignorance.
  • Avoid making assumptions without evidence.
  • Don't be overly influenced by biases.
  • Avoid excessive television watching.
  • Don't procrastinate on learning goals.
  • Avoid distractions during study or work.
  • Don't rely solely on one information source.
  • Avoid excessive partying or distractions.
  • Don't skip opportunities for learning.
  • Avoid negative self-talk about your abilities.

Remember that balance is key in achieving these goals. Choose actions that resonate with you and your specific circumstances, and don't hesitate to seek professional guidance or support if needed to help you along your journey of increasing peace, energy, and knowledge.

Sunday 28 August 2022

How to Increase Your IQ and EQ?

What Improves Your IQ and EQ:

Financial Intelligence
Health Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence

Regular exercise specially in the mornings, oxygenating your body and strengthening your muscles

  • Nuts such as walnuts
  • Seeds such as Flax seeds
  • Seafood such as Salmon
  • Water, green tea and coffee
  • Berries such as strawberries
  • Vitamin K, lettuce, kale, spinach
  • Take Fish Oil
  • Herbs such as pepper, turmeric, cinnamon
  • Creatine, it increases blood flow and energy to your brain
  • Fast on a regular basis e.g. weekly, fasting allows your body to repair its cells and become younger
  • Vegs and fruits
  • Avoid processed foods and junk foods

Rest well your Body and Mind
  • Get enough good sleep e.g. 7 hours
  • Meditate several times a day
  • Take care of your body

  • Memory activities, memorize more e.g. learn a new language
  • Play an instrument, creates new nerve connections
  • Read more, find best articles, find best books
  • Writing
  • Learning new skills
  • Remove wastes, stop doing what's not helpful
  • Avoid multitasking, don't switch between tasks too often - e.g. split your tasks in 30 minutes chunks
  • Be organized

  • Give thanks and appreciation on a daily basis
  • Give admiration and praise of the good others or yourself do
  • Socialize with people with shared interests e.g. join like-minded clubs
  • Observe well and Ask questions
  • Be interested in people
  • Remember people's names
  • Smile at people and be friendly
  • Teach and share what you know

Thursday 7 April 2022

How to deal with Frustration?

 There are countless reasons to be frustrated in life, things don't go as expected, issues happen, failures, mistakes, etc.

When frustrated instead of focusing on the problem, being negative and have bad attitude, complaining and nagging all the time, feeling annoyed, hurt and betrayed.

Try to immediately focus in the "good" in events, people, things and situations

Then you'll be able to deal with the frustration with a better mindset which leads to better decisions and results.

Sunday 23 January 2022

A Potent Recipe for Life


  1. Coconut water
  2. Banana
  3. Honey
  4. Turmeric
  5. Cinnamon
  6. Ginger
  7. Pepper
  8. Garlic

Drink every morning on empty stomach

  • Protects body against cancer, stroke, inflammation, blood circulation issues
  • Eye health
  • Weight loss
  • Increase metabolism

Saturday 15 January 2022

Win every Life Battle with the weapon of Positivity

Our daily life is full of challenges:

Pains, fears, ignorance, insults, offences, attacks, threats, problems, challenges, failed promises, failed and unrealistic expectations, never good enough.

Some are self inflicted by habit or accident and some by others and some by circumstantial.

What's the greatest weapon you can have which can help you deal with these inner and outer wars?

The greatest weapon is Positivity.

  • Positive Thoughts
  • Positive Words
  • Positive Actions

Being positive is not easy at all and requires discipline, self control and habits to be developed.


Create a daily routine to write a positive diary. 

This diary is not a diary of detailing what happened, how you feel and nagging. 

This is a self coaching approach that empowers you to turn your life around and move from the cycle of pain and suffering to the cycle of joy and peace and stay there.

What thoughts/words/action would you focus on against those inner and outer wars and challenges?

Thursday 13 January 2022

Golden Meditation Techniques that Work for Me!

 There are many talks about different meditation techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, breathing meditation, etc. I've tried them all but none give me peace and joy.

5 meditation techniques I've invented that work best for me and give me joy, it may work for you too!

It doesn't matter you lie down, sit, or even walk at park or do chores when doing these meditations - they work in all circumstances - just do them on a daily basis!

1) Intelligence Boosting Meditation

In this meditation technique, I choose a subject then spend like 15 minutes and keep asking questions from myself like 1000 questions around the subject. Any questions, when, where, what, how, why.

In this way, I'll gain in depth understanding, knowledge and wisdom about the subject which is very joyful and peaceful.

The subject can be in any area of interest such as technology, health, business, travel, etc.

The advantage of this technique is that it makes you a very smart and aware person in every area of your life and certainly increase your IQ and EQ.

2) Positive Declarations Meditation

In this meditation technique, I declare a future prediction with faith that something that I desire will happen in the future.

This is not affirmation, it's prediction declaration.

The advantage of this technique is that the Declaration acts as a magnet and pull and shapes your actions, word and thoughts towards making that prediction happen.

Make it as specific to your life as you wish

  • The battle will be won because ...
  • My room will be cleaned and organized because ...
  • The challenge will be resolved because ...
  • The mountain will be moved because ...
  • The secrets will be revealed because ...
  • The success will be mine because ...
  • The hard works will pay off because...
3) Mirror Meditation
Sit in front of a mirror silently and look at yourself, your face, body for 15-30 minutes, be quiet.

You'll be more aware of and observe your own thoughts, feelings, pains, desires.

Positive and creative thoughts pour in how to support and love yourself and your life.

4) Present Invite Receive Meditation
In this technique, you'd connect with your spirit who is connected with the spirit of God and you'd present one of your goals/concerns to the higher wisdom (God) and ask His direction, guidance, blessing and listen to the inspirations that will pour in to your soul from your spirit.

The more spiritually aware you're the easier it becomes to recognize the voice of the spirit which is mostly concerned with higher purpose and higher holy peaceful joyful values.

5) Divine Listening Meditation

In this meditation technique, I try to listen to God and his divine messages for my everyday life, for every aspect of my life, what are his messages? What does he want me to do? What's good for me and others?

If you listen to God with your heart and mind open, you'll hear from him, the messages pour in.

The difference with Present Invite Receive Meditation is that in this technique you are the listener, you don't present anything, you just listen to the spirit of God based on the scriptures, what does God want to tell you.